Wildlife Officers Rescue 550 Birds Stuffed in Tiny Cages.

BY CHIARA CUI June 26, 2019 Updated: June 26, 2019 Despite massive conservation efforts, the illegal wildlife trade continues around the world, putting endangered species at risk and threatening millions of vulnerable animals. In India, the trade of pet birds is a big issue. Thus, this makes the news of…


Very special dog receives animal OBE

This is the amazing story of a very special dog awarded the prestigious PDSA Order of Merit – the animal equivalent of the OBE – for outstanding devotion to her disabled owner. Devoted Molly the cocker spaniel has been awarded the honour for being owner Lucy Watts’ “ray of light”. Ms…


Honey Bees Attack & Kill Giant Spider

Bees attack giant spider   A bee farmer has captured the moment dozens of bees attacked a fishing spider who crawled a little too close to their hive. Zaur Man, a bee farmer in Charleston, South Carolina, shared the astonishing footage on his YouTube page. The dramatic video shows the…
